Local SEO - Turtle Tots

Trustist shares Caroline's 4 and 5 star reviews from anywhere to her social media pages, generating more leads.

Background - Turtle Tots

Turtle Tots are a baby and preschool swimming franchise with over 50 licensees across the UK, Ireland and Wales. The network have won multiple awards over the years, and they’re extremely passionate about providing a safe and happy environment during their lessons. 

The Problem - Local SEO and Review Management

Across the franchise, Turtle Tots found it difficult to maintain and monitor their reviews as each franchisee was collecting feedback on their own chosen platforms, causing the reviews to be spread out over a wide variety of review sites. Whilst they were receiving outstanding feedback, it became time-consuming to monitor each of the multiple platforms used. 

They also wanted to use the amazing reviews that they were collecting to help boost their local SEO, in order to gain additional sales opportunities.

The Solution - Trustist

Trustist aggregates the reviews for Turtle Tots franchisees from any of the review sites that they use, bringing them together to form one overall review count and rating score which can be displayed on the franchisees’ web pages and as part of the stars in their organic Google search results. This means that they don’t have to monitor multiple review sites individually, and they can instead view their entire online reputation within their Trustist account.

The two-tier aggregation also allows Turtle Tots as a brand to benefit from the aggregation of all reviews collected by the franchisees. They’ve collected 1,200+ reviews and they have an outstanding rating of 4.9! 

Turtle Tots have found that using Trustist has enabled them to collect reviews from clients in incredibly easy ways, such as via their QR codes at reception in their swimming venues. They have also found that having stars in their organic Google search results, generated by using their reviews, has helped to assure prospective clients of the brand’s excellent service.

You can see all of the customer reviews Turtle Tots have collected on their website!

We've been working with Trustist for about two years now, and probably one of the best things about the platform itself is how easy it is to use for both ourselves and our franchisees. It also really helps with SEO because the reviews help us to stand out in the Google organic rankings. When potential customers are looking for baby and toddler swimming lessons, they can see that existing customers rate us highly.

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