Below are some frequently asked questions about QR Codes and QR PDQ

A QR code is an acronym for “Quick Response code” and is a type of barcode which stores information in a series of pixels in a square shaped grid. QR codes can be easily scanned on a smartphone in order to quickly look up information. A QR code is read in both directions, top-bottom & left-right, so it can hold more information than a standard barcode. To be precise, a QR code can contain up to 7,089 numerals or 4,296 alphanumeric characters.

The first QR code system was invented in Japan in 1994, by Masahiro Hara, chief engineer at Denso Wave, a subsidiary of Toyota. QR codes were used initially to easily track automotive parts and vehicles in the manufacturing process, but they are now used in nearly all types of industry across the world.

QR codes can be easily scanned (or read) by any smartphone device by hovering over it with the camera, the phone will then follow the link through to display the required information on screen.

QR codes can be put onto physical documentation such as business cards, letters or posters for easy access in person. They can also be included in digital content for scanning via websites, emails and even video calls.

QR code technology doesn’t suffer from any of the typical online security flaws, it cannot be hacked, and it doesn’t collect any personally identifiable information from the user. The security risks that can be associated with QR codes such as; phishing, hacking, or malware don’t stem from the technology but instead from the final destination of each code. In order to avoid security issues, you should only ever scan QR codes from people or companies that you can verify as genuine. QR codes are safe to use providing you take the usual security precautions required when browsing the internet.

QR codes are a quick and easily accessible way to share information with people anywhere, which is why they are such a popular choice for use in businesses in all sectors.

QR codes can be created, or generated, using a digital tool on a piece of software or website. There’s a range of QR code generators available online, many of which are free to use. The generators usually deal with the full process of creating the code and attaching the information, which means anybody with access to the internet can do it with no prior experience.

By using a QR code analytics platform, you can keep an eye on product performance and learn how users interact with your specific QR code. The platform helps you to learn where, when, why, and how consumers are using your code, which can be useful information to optimise your business.

Learn how QR PDQ can Help Your Business!