When you collect an outstanding review, you want to ensure that as many prospective customers see it as possible! Trustist give you two different ways to share your reviews onto your social media platforms, helping you to amplify the value of each review you receive.
One way to do this is through Auto Post, which automatically shares your 4 and 5-star reviews onto your chosen platforms as soon as they come into your account. To find out more about Auto Post, please contact us at [email protected].
However, Auto Post only shares two reviews in any 24-hour period, and sometimes you have even more reviews you would like to share, so this article shows you how to manually re-post those reviews.
How to Share Your Reviews on Social Media
To share your reviews, you first need to login to your Trustist REVIEWer account by heading to https://www.trustistreviewer.com/uk/ and logging in using your assigned details.
Click ‘Reviews’ in the left side-bar.
Select the review you wish to re-post.
Scroll down the page until you see the options for sharing onto your connected platforms. Here you can use the highlighted buttons to re-post your chosen reviews onto your social media pages – increasing the value of each review!