In this article we show you how to connect your Facebook account to your Trustist account
The advantages to you connecting your Facebook account to your Trustist account are:
- Whenever a Facebook Recommendation (formerly a Facebook Review) is left it automatically comes in to your Trustist account which increases your review count and adjusts your rating automatically.
- You can turn on Auto Post so that every time you get a positive Facebook Recommendation it will automatically create an eye catching Google Post which is free advertising on Google (please see to see how to connect your Google My Business account to your Trustist account so that this feature is enabled).
- By turning Auto Post on for Facebook as well you the Trustist platform will also do a post on your business’s Facebook page.
Firstly, open a browser window (eg Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Explorer) and go to or If you need to login to your account then please do. If you have multiple logins then make sure it is the right one for your business. Please note that often Facebook business pages are within personal Facebook accounts. Trustist will only bring data from your business page in to the Trustist platform.
Next, open a new tab within the same browser window and go to or just click on the link.
In the Client Login section (not the Sign Up section) enter your username and password. This will have been sent to you after you set up your payment.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and next to your location click the view button.
Then in the right hand panel click the logo of the social media platform you’d like to connect to your Trustist account.
You will then be presented with a screen that has a button you need to click.
If you have multiple pages within your social media accounts, select the name of your business by clicking on the blue ‘+CHOOSE’ button next to the business’s name.
You will then have connected your Facebook/Twitter page to your Trustist account and and your rating and number of reviews will be automatically adjusted as this happens.
Your Facebook Recommendations within Trustist
Once you have connected your Facebook page to your Trustist account, your Facebook Recommendations will come in to Trustist automatically. Don’t be alarmed if this takes up to 30 minutes to happen after you’ve attached your Facebook page. Trustist’s software runs at set intervals as there are literally hundreds of thousands of tasks running every hour and the job to bring your Facebook recommendations in to the platform will be added to the next cycle. Once the job has run, your Facebook reviews will be included within your location review count and rating and your brand review count and rating.
Using Auto Post on Facebook and Twitter
Next, go to your location screen again and find the Auto Post section. Turn on Auto Post so that any new review from any source will generate an automatic post on your Facebook and Twitter pages. Auto Post will only post your 4 and 5-star reviews and is limited to two posts per day. For this to work, make sure you click ‘SAVE’ once you’ve turned Auto Post on for the platforms you’d like it activated for.